Error in { : task 1 failed - "too many ties in knn" In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > warnings() Warning messages: 1: In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : predictions failed for Fold01.Rep1: k=946 Error in knn3Train(train = structu...
analysis by us moderns but stand in their own right as important( atnhdeSroecicaol gScnieitnicoens, ItnhdaiatntIhnestriteutiesoaf TpeclhennoiltougdyeBoomfboayt,hMerumpboasis4i0b0i0l7i6ti,eInsdfiao;r u s/by/4.0/). ...
Given that the vast majority of these natural products have a potent biological activity (usually going hand in hand with high cytotoxicity) and could therefore be regarded as medicinal chemistry leads, it is not surprising that many of them have been targeted for chemical synthesis, in order to...
metals Review RRReveieewvviieeww oonn GGrraaiinnRReefifinneemmeennttooffMMeettaalllliiccMMaatteerriiaallsstotoRReegguulalatete CCeelllluullaarr BBeehhaavviioorr YYininggjijaiannGGuu11,,RRuunnHHuuaanngg11,,22,,**anadnYduYfueifeHi aHoa1o 1 11 SScchhooooll ooff MMaatteerriiaallss SScciie...