I'm constantly getting TooManyRequestsException: Too Many Requests when using the APIGateway methods, and it does not appear the SDK is retrying the requests. Below are the logs from tests. apigateway.test Cleaning up apis [AWS apigatewa...
The OpenID token is valid for 10 minutes[3]. [2]. Error retries and exponential backoff in AWS https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html [3]. GetOpenIdToken - The OpenID token is valid for 10 minutes. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognitoidentity/latest/APIReference...
Hardware: 64Gb RAM, 2Tb SSD (aws ec2 m5.4xlarge) Hello! My Influx 2.0 running in docker container and has OOM when I try to execute hundred queries from many processes. I’ve tried to change influxd configuration fields: 2 concurrent queries limit, ...
public.ecr.aws/zinclabs/debug-ubuntu-base:latest - an image with common debugging utilities Steps to Debug Your Container (Kubernetes Runtime) Make sure the target environment you want to debug is up (the example k8s manifest creates a pod with the minimal nginx image from Chainguard and it...
As you are painfully aware, each MSK broker imposes a limit on the connection creation rate by IAM clients. When this limit is breached, the broker rejects the next connection with a "Too many connects" error message that gets encapsulated in a SaslAuthenticationException on the client. ...
I dockerized the entire script and deployed it on AWS and the problem went away. I don't know if it's a combination of all those or just one specific action that fixed the issue for me. Author jjasonbell commented Nov 2, 2020 • edited My situation was time sensitive and after ...
I am working with Alexa top 1 million sites (http://s3.amazonaws.com/alexa-static/top-1m.csv.zip). Also tested on several http bin servers on the local network, results are very similar. Using request.SetConnectionClose () did not help :( Copy link Collaborator erikdubbelboer commente...
DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source) - peip-mirror/docker-slim
I'm pretty new to the aws world and the cli - so I am just a bit surprised that the connections are that flaky that you've had to incorporate that many retries - and that it's used that much! Do you have any recommendations for best practices when trying to push files into the aw...
Add --reruns-delay=SECONDS to wait that many seconds between retries. Example: pytest --reruns=1 --reruns-delay=1 You can use the @retry_on_exception() decorator to retry failing methods. (First import: from seleniumbase import decorators). To learn more about SeleniumBase decorators, click...