Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too Good to go is a social impact company on a mission to inspire and empower everyone to fight food waste together. Our app is the world's largest marketplace for surplus food. We help users rescue good food from going to waste, offering great value for money at local stores, cafes...
Too Good To Go app is the world's largest surplus food marketplace. Download now and enjoy good food at 1/2 price or less, help the environment and reduce food waste.
Too Good To Go app(应用程序) makes it easy to make a positive impact(影响) on the planet while saving money on your favorite foods. With the app for reducing(减少) food waste, you can save tasty unsold treats and meals straight from shops, cafes, grocery stores, and restaurants in yo...
🍽️ 在德国,Too Good To Go app是一个让你吃得满足的好选择。虽然参与的店铺不多,但每次都能让你大饱口福。昨天我去了Backwerk,只花了3.5欧就选到了价值14欧的美食。有个大哥甚至带个盆去,因为他知道没人会数你到底拿了多少。🍞 Nordsee的面包套餐是提前装好的,里面有三个面包,只需2.9欧。鱼排的...
toogoodtogo安卓版是当前在全世界都非常流行的节约粮食推广软件,同时该应用也是一个庞大的购物平台,大家可以邀请到身边人一起参与杜绝粮食浪费的行动中来,对此项活动感兴趣的朋友肯定会喜欢这款app的。 too good to go app介绍 toogoodtogo超市是世界第一的消除食物浪费的应用程序,加入数百万食物浪费战士的行列。从当...
Reducing food waste is one of the solutions to slow down climate change: together we have the power to make a difference. In a world where 40% of food produced goes to waste annually, the Too Good To Go app is your ticket to unlocking affordable eats while helping the planet. ...
toogoodtogo安卓版是一个主打节约粮食的美食购物平台,在这里,您可以使用它来在线点外卖,可以在商家打烊前买到超值的美食! Too Good To Go app简介 每年,三分之一的食物被扔掉。Too Good To Go正试图改变这种状况。使用该应用程序,从你附近的企业拯救装满美味、剩余食物的惊喜袋。
在本次更新中,我们向帮助中心添加了有关过期日期的新信息!我们还做了一些其他的改进和调整,使应用程序更加出色。 下载地址 too good to go低价购美食 v21.3.4 安卓版 普通下载地址: itmop本地下载 包名 MD5:228d633fe70949d86b2b0f88e36a04ff 有问题?不能下载?点此报错告诉我们...