On the danger of using too few points in a rating scale: A test of validity. Journal of Data Collection 1986;26(2):60-63Friedman, H. H. & Friedman, L. W. (1986). On the danger of using too few points in a rating scale: a test of validity. Journal of Data Collection, 26: ...
I have an issue with st_intersection command. I have a set of 600 coordinates across the East. locations = st_as_sf(mydata, coords = c("lon","lat")) st_crs(locations) = 4326 locations = st_transform(locations, crs = 3857) plot(st_geometry(locations)) I added a buffer of 30 ...
However, I’m going to make a slight addition to Speaker, to help show off some of the power of the TypeScript language when it comes to UI. To demonstrate a few different things, I’m going to mention that in between the last column and this, the application’s client has said that...
mobile. With the seemingly constant barrage of new and more sophisticated devices, we anticipate an even greater need for systems that can run anywhere and on any device—and the goal of this column is to have a more regular conversation around how to meet that need as a community of ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Too few U.S. kids with sickle cell anemia get a needed screening for stroke, according to a study released Tuesday. The study found fewer than half get the screening and only about half or fewer get a treatment that can help with pain and anemia. The...
From then he had another couple of weeks in hospital in an acute care ward and wasn’t allowed to come home until he had an ICD (internal defibrillater) fitted. The last few months have all been about him trying to recover from everything and to start building himself back up again....
In this context, microphysiological systems (MPS) can be conceived as an innovative bridge between these two opposite approaches, holding the promise to fully mimic the functional tissue units of an entire human organ at a micro- to meso-scale4 and thus representing a half-way entity between th...
with a massive bailout package to prevent these institutions from going under and further damaging the economy. Though a few of these institutions were allowed to fail, such as Lehman and Bear Stearns, the government prevented the collapse of other large banks, all of which continued to thrive...
On her Uzbekistan farm, Bayniyazova’s family has dug an earthen well, hoping to hold on to the precious little water that’s left. “If there is no water, it will be very difficult for people to live,” Bayniyazova said. “Now people are barely survivi...
The neatest example of this is the Black-Scholes-Merton theory of options pricing, which purported to calculate the prices of options as an objective economic reality, but which instead produced a convergence between its predicted prices and actual market prices in the 1970s and 1980s, before fa...