今天刚入手的Too Faced Natural Face Palette 2018,热乎乎的试色来啦!之前买过Too Faced的白桃盘,结果对它的印象不太好,不上色、飞粉、持妆时间短,而且那股香精桃子味真的受不了。结果今天看到新出的Natural Face盘,被颜值迷惑又下手了。 外壳设计超有特色,带有蕾丝花纹,颜值超高!而且和普通的盘不一样,外壳表面...
Too Faced 新眼影盘Natural Eyes Palette 圈钱大户Too Faced即将发布一个新的眼影盘,其实这个眼影盘早就推出了,这次发布的是一个改良版本,Natural Eyes Palette,作为TooFace的2018年夏季系列彩妆,这个盘改良了配方,添加了椰子油,让质地更加顺滑,容易上色,不易飞粉,包装方面,采用金属质地粉盒,植物图案压花,高大上感觉...
Too Faced美国官网 Natural Face Makeup Palette - Too Faced历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Natural Face Makeup Palette - Too Faced
This is my all time favorite eye palette --- gorgeous packaging, nice neutral colors, and goes on like a dream, feels so good on the skin. ** Please bring back the natural face palette too --- together they are unbeatable!! These two classics should always remain in your collection as...
Too Faced家的natural eyeshadow palette是公认的新手入门盘子。颜色日常,配色经典,非常容易上手。超近,Too faced紧跟哑光眼影的流行趋势,又推出了全哑光质地的Natural eyesahdow眼影盘。粉质细腻好晕染,显色度高,配色实用,冷暖调兼顾。售价为$36。感兴趣的mm可以前往ulta官网购买。
Inspired by the synonymous foundation shades, the Born This Way The Natural Nudes Skin-Centric Eyeshadow Palette from Too Faced has everything you could possibly need. Combining 16 hyper-pigmented shades, this palette experiments with natural nudes and earthy metallics to bring you an ultra...
【Macy's】 Too Faced Natural Love Eye Shadow Palette ¥423 59.00美元 汇率7.17 更新于刚刚 收入文章 收藏 0 直达链接 历史价 最高59.00美元 最低59.00美元 by 海淘网haitao.com17.4.2059 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP +选择图片 优惠券 提交发布 写长篇笔记 ...
选购Too Faced APPLEY IN LOVE EYE SHADOW PALETTE 眼影调色套装 在 REVOLVE. 2-3日免费运送和退换,30日内差价补偿
This collection has a bit of everything so you can go with a natural, everyday look or glam it up for special events. Makeup Done DifferentlyAre you ready for a total makeup makeover? If so, it’s time to discover the best-selling Too Faced makeup products of all time. Our “...
Does Sephora carry Too Faced? Sephora sells a variety of Too Faced. To play around with different looks, check out our lineup of. You’ll find must-have assortments of pretty pinks, modern nudes, natural-looking browns, and more. Looking to accentuate your pout? You’ll love Too Faced....