TooFaced新品,超值! 哇塞,今天我终于收到了TooFaced的宝贝!就是我在TooFaced整理合集中提到的那款。下面就来详细介绍一下我买的这两款产品吧。 🍑🍑🍑 首先,我要说的是这款小号的桃子盘——Just Peachy Mattes Velvet Eye Shadow Palette。它的外壳是粉白渐变的,金色的字体,大小和我手差不多,稍微有点...
这个算是妆前吧,质地还不算是乳状,我觉得有点可以填平毛孔的效果,挤出来是淡粉色的,贴合皮肤很好~比较滋润,我这些天都在用它👏 ⭐️too faced 眼影盘just peachy velvet matte palette 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑 这款眼影是桃子系列的眼影盘,不是爆火的那几盘,我主要喜欢它就是因为,它的色系统一😂(强迫症...
Too Faced invented the natural eye, now we modernized & reinvented it with the most creamy, easily-blendable shades infused with coconut butter for effortlessly sexy, naturally nude looks you can wear everywhere. SHADES & DESCRIPTIONS Heaven: Vanilla Cream Matte Cashmere Bunny: Light Hazelnut Matte...
Find the most popular makeup in our collection featuring the best of beauty products from Too Faced, including mascaras, blushes, lipsticks, and more
【Amy】新品速递:Swatching Every Melt Cream Blushlight:aka the BEST cream blush formula 58 -- 11:04 App 【RisaDoesMakeup】+7式惊叫平价眼影宝藏:OMG- THE BEST DRUGSTORE EYESHADOW PALETTE 49 -- 22:40 App 【Morgan Turner】新品速递:NEW HOURGLASS HYDRATING SKIN TINT MAKEUP FOREVER HD SKIN 68 ...
brand: Too Faced $27 Previous price: $54 已售罄尺码: 尺码: One Size 电子邮件 通知我 描述 成分 This apple inspired palette has neutral, red, green, & warm caramel shades in multiple finishes in a creamy, blendable formula.Includes shades Sweet On You (cream off-white matte), Sparkl...
眼影:Too faced Born This Way The Natural Nudes Eyeshadow Palette眼线:Benefit Roller Liner Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in brown (pr)睫毛夹: Kevyn Aucoin睫毛打底:Canmake quick lash curler睫毛膏:Pretty Vulgar Faux Reals Extreme Volume Mascara口红:Hermes Rose Encens 18 Satin Hermes Rose Boise 48 Matte...
Both the matte and shimmer shades have such a nice formula. The mattes are pigmented but really easy to blend, probably my favourite formula I’ve tried. The shimmers are easy to apply with your finger and offer good colour and sparkle. Overall a really versatile, user friendly p...
返璞归真眼影盘#Natural Eyes Eye Shadow Palette 返璞归真哑光眼影盘#Natural Matte Eye Shadow Palette 商品名称 Too Faced 返璞归真眼影盘系列 商品产地 美国 功效 眼部修饰 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 品牌 Too Faced 54人关注 Too Faced成立于1998年,是美国具有相当知名度的彩妆品牌。主要产品有眼影、唇彩、彩...
粉紫玫瑰色系 眼影盘合集-欧美专柜篇NATASHA DENONA|TOO FACED|HUDA BEAUTY|TF|CT|CHANEL|DIOR|VIS... +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 04:45 RMK秋季限定浮世绘 眼影试色丨这盘 眼影谁看了不说绝! 2020-10-13 06:14 【中字 Hitomi】简单眼妆#11 CLIO蜜桃盘的木莓奶茶眼妆 Peach Groove十色 眼影...