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1⃣️too cool for school 椰子定妆喷雾没感觉到定没定 但椰子味很治愈……用了快一年也用完了2⃣️make p:rem 喷雾(mild smooth mist)这瓶真的强推 很好用!还没空我就已经囤好了一瓶!舒缓效果满分 质地是水油分离需要摇匀再用的(可以翻翻我相册好像有拍过会有膜感但不是油光满面 是很有光泽 感觉...
】too cool for school新品腮红 04 de mauve 麻辣香锅- 这个牌子的🔥的是修容,也是抱着试一试的心态买了这款腮红,没想到效果还不错,颜色挺正的,一盘直接解决了三个色号,粉质细腻不怎么飞粉。整体来说蛮推荐的!! 萱萱娜 推荐一下这款toocoolforschool 的腮红盘,这盘是玫瑰色的,上脸也不会飞粉,粉...
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“Works of weaker sections of society are getting more relevance nowadays. In this era anyone can write on anything. Drastic change has occurred in literature especially in its social aspects and this is an era in which readers are becoming writers ,he added ,quoting late Joseph Mundassery. ...
handful of years ago, I had no idea how transphobic I was. It wasn’t even a thing Irecognized. I’d use trans slurs thinking they were totally fine. “Tranny” is a word I used, thinking,well, gosh, it’s just a shortened version of transexual or transgender and that’s c...
thanks, Alex sir I got 10 out of 10 I feel so cool wish me luck to improve my English soon:) kiranrehman 100! Thank you, Alex, you one of the best teachers here for me! I really like the way you explain things! NataliaOdry ...
He’s the kind of guy who thinks it’s cool to be disinterested. Somehow he’s convinced himself that not caring is a personality trait. What He Says:“I mean, does anything really matter?” What He’s Really Saying:“I’m too cool to care, which means I’m too cool for a relati...