Too Big to Fail 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 It’s hard to imagine how it felt in the US under the 2008 financial crisis. It was less severe in China during that period, though the impact was tangible in our daily economic life. Across the Pacific Ocean, we could only get non-stop head...
危机反思录(二)Too Big to Fail 这是一部以2008年金融危机为背景,以美国财政部长汉克保尔森为主角,以华尔街和华盛顿各色要人为应对金融系统崩溃而斡旋并做出决策的故事。主人公保尔森要解决全美乃至全世界金融体系崩溃的问题,他面对的烂摊子包括投行的鳄鱼CEO张着血喷大嘴吃肉上瘾,投资者信心像大笨象跌下悬崖一样...
虽然书名是too big to fail,但真正too big to fail的其实只是AIG和两房。Lehman的Fail可以容忍,如果Bear和Merrill的被收购也算得上fail的话,这也是政府所能容忍的。唯独过于庞大的AIG和两房,因为倒闭的系统性金融风险无可控制,为避免金融体系崩溃而造成大量的失业潮、无数养老保险终结,社会保障中介,全世界为AIG和两...
电影之外的Too Big to Fail要教会我们什么 没有谁因为过于重要而不可缺少,如果真的有,就干掉它。如果谁有这样有恃无恐恃才而骄的想法,就必须干掉它。我们没有办法一直为大而不倒买账。以美国财政大臣第一视角来看这部电影,来看08年金融危机,人没有办法变得不情绪化。历史很惨痛,信任很脆弱,雷曼很无辜。我的眼...
Adding to the pain are the rising bad loans in the Big Five. In the first quarter of the year, non-performing loan (NPL) ratio increased at all the Big Five state-owned commercial banks, signaling mounting pressure from soured credit. The newly added NPLs of the Big Five totaled 70 bill...
‘It’s Never Over, Jeff Buckley’ Review: Moving Behind-the-Music Doc Illuminates a Life Cut Short 1/29/2025 by Matthew Creith The Wrap Too Big to Fail Cinema Eye announces winners, Bong Joon Ho’s ‘Mickey 17’ to premiere in Berlin, and more of today’s top stories ...
Today's best Roccat Kave XTD Review — Too Big to Fail deals No price information Check Amazon No price information For more information visit their website We check over 250 million products every day for the best prices If you're not sure exactly which features consumers will want in your...
Too Big to Fail: Directed by Curtis Hanson. With James Woods, John Heard, William Hurt, Erin Dilly. Chronicles the financial meltdown of 2008 and centers on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
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(1991): "Too Big to Fail : Origins, Consequences, and Outlook," Economic Review, 77, 3-15,, R. (1991). Too-big-to-fail: Origins, consequences, and outlook. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond economic Review ...