Tony Romo is the Lead NFL Game Analyst at CBS Sports. Prior to his broadcast debut, Tony played fourteen seasons with the Dallas Cowboys, retiring from the NFL in April 2017. Despite showing great athletic talent and having a stellar collegiate career, Tony came into the NFL undrafted as a...
“When you think about the NFL, two of the most iconic brands are the Dallas Cowboys and CBS Sports,” Romo said. “Going from one legendary team to another as I begin the next phase of my career is a dream come true. I have always known that once my playing career was ove...
CBS Mornings: Andra Day, Jim Nantz, Tony Romo 8/12/2024 by Riley Avery MemorableTV Golf World Struggles With Grayson Murray Suicide News 5/27/2024 by Bruce Haring Deadline Film + TV Sports Emmys: Super Bowl & ‘Toy Story Funday Football’ Lead The League ...
Instead, Romo will take a private jet back to Chicago for Sunday’s Vikings-Bears game, a roughly 1,800-mile trip which, according toPrince Jets, can cost from $24,997 to $84,011, depending on the charter package. Romo’s CBS broadcasting partner Jim Nantz, who will be calling the ...
12.12.2024 CBS NFL analyst Tony Romo and FedEx founder Fred Smith are among the newest investors in Light Helmets, reports SBJ's Joe Lemire. The duo are part of a $10 million Series A round that is close to being completing. Preston Phillips is a company adviser who has led the fundrais...
“I think it was a genius decision by him to wait a year coming out and prepare himself. He’s going to do a great job. I think he’s going to be outstanding,” Romo said. Romo and Jim Nantz, who called last week’s Super Bowl for CBS, both...
"This could be one of the great matchups in sports history because it doesn't happen very often. This matchup right here is what you talk about with your friends," said Romo on CBS' Super Bowl media call. "It's, could you imagine if Michael Jordan got his team to the Finals in '...
CBS Sports has signed its lead NFL analyst Tony Romo to a new, long-term contract, a spokesperson for CBS confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.
Sam Belden
Romo has responded to some of the backlash, claiming “you can’t please everyone.” He’s been defended by some colleagues and executives as well, including booth partnerJim NantzandCBS Sports presidentSean McManus. But he hasn’t answered to Cowherd hypothesizing that his love of golf is...