“Red Riding 1974” stars the new Spider-man, Andrew Garfield, as Eddie Dunford, a young journalist caught up in the mystery of missing little girls in his job at the Yorkshire Post. When one of the girls is found raped, murdered, and with swan wings sewn on her back, Eddie finds ...
“Clowns can get away with murder,”John Wayne Gacytold retired Des Plaines police officer David Hachmeister during a 10-day surveillance operation. The statement made the hair on the investigator’s head stand up. Over the course of Peacock’s original’s six-part docuseries John Wayne Gacy:...
A service designed to make the lives of the people you leave behind a little bit easier, by providing them with key contact information, financial details, digital account and passwords, access and location of important items, kids' and pets' wishes, letters to loved ones, and more. This do...
So, very little alcohol, very little online time, and lots of nature and hiking. We did a little cheat camping…make a fire at a campsite, have dinner (pizza!), then head back to the motel for a civilized sleep. Worked out well! What didn’t work out well, and what was the ...
The event has changed in many surprising and meaningful ways since 1987, but at its core, SXSW remains a tool for creative people to develop their careers..
‘First of all, I’d like to thank all of you for being here today to celebrate Cherry’s arrival home. It is marvellous to see all of our family and friends here to welcome the three additions to our family in Cherry, Margaret and Kathleen. Plus the little one on the way.’ ...
Now, this next bit is a bit of a moan rather than a rant. Our next door neighbour and his wife are both retired and have a static caravan on the East Coast. They go off whenever they can and are often away for a week at a time. I don’t blame them and are a little bit envi...
“It is a little bittersweet,” Cooper said. “We only got a chance to do about like 60 performances and this cast and this creative team were like some of the most talented you’ve ever seen. It was unfortunate that people don’t get a chance to experience it because we really fel...
We thought they were a little like Il Divo, however it seems that Piero Barone (17), Ignazio Boschetto (16) and Gianluca Ginoble (16)are actually more frequently described as the Mediterranean’s very own Jonas Brothers and they certainly shone on Thursday’s penultimate results show.They ...
“To be on this level for so many years, to achieve what he achieved and to make the money he made throughout his career and then to stay the same down-to-Earth guy is what really matters. My feeling is that, little by little, we are losing these Dirk Nowitzkis and Roger Federers...