A few years ago I visited Peru with Tony Hawk.Tony had learned via a CNN profile that Peruvian chef, Virgilio Martinez, had grown up as a skater in Lima in the '90s. Since then, Virgilio traded in his skateboard for a cutting board and he is now an internationally renowned chef and a...
置身于James Lamb位于加拿大安大略省的私人车库,你会被眼前的景象所震撼。这里汇集了价值数十万美元的珍贵滑板收藏品,堪称一座小型滑板博物馆。作为业内享有"收藏大鳄"盛誉的资深爱好者,James已经痴迷于收藏滑板近十年。 他的收藏主要集中于上世纪80年代风靡一时的Vision Skateboards及其子品牌如Sims、Schmitt Stix等,预计...
"I'd tell myself to never regret the choices I make. Sure, it would be easy to say, 'I wish I would have started my company sooner, bought Amazon stock when I first heard about it, and continued the podcast I started in 2007 instead of switching to YouTube.'...