The official website of skateboarding legend Tony Hawk. Featuring photos, videos, appearance information and more.
美国滑板界的传奇人物Anthony "Tony" Hawk,又名"The Birdman",是一位极限运动的冠军,以其空中旋转900°的高超技艺而闻名。36岁的霍克不仅在滑板领域独领风骚,还是一位商业巨头,他将滑板这项街头运动推向全球,并建立起一个庞大的滑板帝国,这一切都源于他对滑板的深深热爱。他曾说:“滑板是我生活...
传奇滑手Tony Hawk.Andy Mac双人u池滑板#滑板 #极限运动 #街头文化 #skateboard #危险动作请勿模仿 - SILENT滑板于20240623发布在抖音,已经收获了101.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
🔺点击图片了解 Tony Hawk 曾经的故事 同一时期,还有《Grind Session》、《Skateboard Park Tycoon》、《Evolution Skateboarding》等游戏的发布,奈何未能撼动 Tony Hawk 系列的统治地位,也没能给滑手留下太多深刻的印象。 🔺Grind Session 还可以选择支架的松紧 ...
His parents were supportive of his new hobby, and they later organized the California Amateur Skateboard League and the National Skateboard Association to help provide legitimacy to the sport. Hawk was 14 when he signed with the Powell Peralta professional team and starred in the famous Bones ...
「Tony Hawk’s Skate Jam」官方宣传片 这次的游戏制作是他第一次没有与 Activision 合作开发,此前 Activision 参与制作了 Hawk 的多款游戏,而「Tony Hawk’s Skate Jam」的原形为「Skateboard Party」,相信很多滑手都玩过。 「Tony Hawk’s Skate Jam」是专为移动设备而设计的免费手游,在你进入滑板...
Find out more about Tony Hawk, including the latest news, replays and Olympic results. Discover more from
周日下午,Tony Hawk 赢得了比赛大师组的冠军,让现场气氛高涨。14岁的年轻澳洲小伙 Keegan Palmer 一路披荆斩棘成为了职业组的冠军。最终,来自美国的滑手 Beaver Flemming 用自己腾空 11 英尺的高度赢得满堂彩,成功卫冕最高动作组的桂冠。 While Chinese New Year traditionally represents the begging of spring and th...
1. 'Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater' (1999) If you don’t have warm, fuzzy flashbacks of dropping in at the warehouse to Goldfinger’s “Superman,” then all I can say is, “I’m sorry.” Not to take away from the excellent soundtracks of other ‘THPS’ franchise entries, but Tony Hawk...