一只蛤蜊怎么可以塞满干净的奶油罐头?So one of the most challenging parts about this tongue twister is the repeated/kr/and/kl/consonant clusters.Many of you have trouble hearing and producing the different sounds for/r/and/l/consonants.这个绕口令最难的部分就是重复的/kr/和/kl/这两个辅音丛。你...
With bipidy bumpidy ripidy rumpidy Stop when your pink tongue turns blue WATCH YOUR TONGUE ... Tongue placement is very important. Here's a tailor-made tongue twister for you if the Th sound is a problem for you. Repeat the following sentence three times in a row. (Remember, your to...
aStarting with the animal sound tongue twister and ask the kids, when you get astonished, what you say (Aaaa), how the doney make sound “Aaai, aaaai”, when we get burned, what we say “aaay”, tell the kids when they heard a word starting with a letter of a, they will say th...
小学英语课件 Tongue Twister TongueTwister(绕口令)Theythrewthreethings.PronunciationPractice “TH”Sound Twotypesof“th”sounds 1.Voicedth–Makeasoundfromyourthroat2.Unvoicedth–Don’tmakeasound–Likeyouareblowingsomething 1.Voiced“th”sound •Thetongueisbetweentheteeth•Thesoundcomesfromyourthroat(...
所属专辑:Tongue twister 猜你喜欢 787 Short Articles for Reading 2e3 by:compasspub 839 Short Articles for Reading 2e2 by:compasspub 778 Short Articles for Reading 2e1 by:compasspub 841 Short Stories by:千千万万369 3410 Short Wave by:梦中的搬运工 ...
(5) in the word ong, the initials are s, not sh. Secondly, according to the phonetic function of the phonotype, we can deduce the pronunciation of a group of words with the sound by using the known side. There are exceptions to this method, but you may as well try it, but be ...