Everybody has seen the tongue map – that little diagram of the tongue with different sections neatly cordoned off for different taste receptors. Sweet in the front, salty and sour on the sides and bitter at the back. It's possibly the most recognizable symbol in the study of taste, but ...
neurotrophic control taste buds colchicine Access this article Log in via an institution Buy article PDF 39,95 € Price includes VAT (China (P.R.)) Instant access to the full article PDF. Rent this article via DeepDyve Institutional subscriptions Sections References Literature Cited Rights ...
Definition The first part of the digestive system that contains the structures necessary for mastication and speech; teeth, tongue and salivary glands. Tongue A muscular organ in the oral cavity that enables taste sensation, chewing, swallowing and speaking. Muscles of the tongue Intrinsic: Superior...
The grooves or fissures could be deep or shallow, one or more and may occur on any side of the tongue. Nevertheless, most of the fissures occur on the middle 1/3rdof the organ. The ailment of fissured tongue affects approximately 5% of the US population. The condition is less common in...
1). In the quantitative histological analysis of the tongue of the groups described (Table 2), there was no difference (p > 0.05) in the areas of PN, CN, or FIB, both between ages, young and old, and between lineages, wild type and mdx. Fig. 1 Cross sections of mid-belly tongue...
Sections were then subjected to immunostaining with specific primary antibodies as described in Table 1. Donkey anti- secondary antibodies were purchased from Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA and were used at a dilution of 1:200 for all experiments. Following staining, tissue sections were mounted...
Next, 7 µm semi serial-sections were made on a Reichert-Jung 2030 (Reichert-Jung, Bensheim, Germany) and a MH 360 (Zeiss, Germany) rotatory microtome. The sections were mounted on glass slides and, after removing the paraffin, stained with Azan, periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and a ...
The PTT is built in two phases and with four sections (Figure 3). FIGURE 3: Figure A illustrates the patient raising the thigh during the first phase of the PTT, and with the tongue against the palatine spot (not visible in the photo); figure B illustrates the secon...
Finally, the sections were counterstained with the nuclear dye DAPI and visualized using an Olympus FV3000 fluorescence microscope. For in situ hybridization (ISH) staining of mouse tissue sections, we used the RNAscope 2.5 HD Detection Reagents-Brown (322310) and RNAscope Probe-MusPV-E6-E7 ...
Most of the nerve fibers observed in different sections of the tongue tissue were of the unmyelinated type, confirming that the main task of the hedgehog tongue was its gustatory function.doi:10.1007/s12565-017-0391-0Akbari, GhasemBabaei, Mohammad...