A face with its tongue sticking out while one of the eyes is closed as when someone winks represents playfulness. This emoji can be used in an attempt to be wacky, crazy or otherwise joking. It also means a person is not serious about something and that he is taking something lighthearted...
表情符号, 面孔, 舌头, 伸出舌头, 有趣的(Emoji, Faces, Tongue, Stick Out Tongue, Funny) 有趣的山羊 母女伸出舌头(Mother and daughter sticking out tongue) 艾尔伯特爱因斯坦 有趣的脸涂鸦 有趣的脸(Funny face) 有趣的脸(Funny Face) 有趣的脸(Funny Face) ...