a.To put a finish on (stone or wood, for example). b.To tan or prepare (a hide) in leather-making. v.intr. 1.To put on clothes. 2.To wear clothes of a certain kind or style:dresses casually. 3.To wear formal clothes:dress for dinner. ...
Define wooden tongue. wooden tongue synonyms, wooden tongue pronunciation, wooden tongue translation, English dictionary definition of wooden tongue. or n vet science the nontechnical name for actinobacillosis Collins English Dictionary – Complete and U
One method of fixing tongue-and-groove panelling is metal clips. They fit into the groove and have a small tongue, through which you bang a pin into one of the battens of wood you''ve fixed to the wall. For this method, you need to plane the tongue off the first board you''re ...
I found some 4” (actually 3.5”) widethin tongue and groove panelsfrom Lowe’s that came with an insanely cheap price tag - 6x 8’ panels for $15. I tore down some old 4’x8’ painted wood paneling from my bedroom ceiling and installed these planks using 1” tack pins and Liquid N...
The rib may be of triangular, trapezoidal or rectangular section, and may be located below the tongue or below the groove on the respective board edges. The proportions of the rib may be such that it maintains its form during board installation but yields in the presence of lateral forces, ...
The rib may be of triangular, trapezoidal or rectangular section, and may be located below the tongue or below the groove on the respective board edges. The proportions of the rib may be such that it maintains its form during board installation but yields in the presence of lateral forces, ...
A panelling system preferably for floors is defined by a series of panels each formed of a plurality of tongue and groove main floor plank strips arranged side edge to side edge and cut to a common length with a tongue along one cut edge and a groove along the other. At the edges are...
Solid softwood panelling and cladding. Machined profiles without tongue and grooveBritish Standards Institution
Solid softwood panelling and cladding - Machined profiles with tongue and groove
The panel boarding unit is suitable for cladding walls and ceilings, and is made of veneered or plastic-coated chipboard panels, with grooves fitted in both their lengthways sides or of similary finished wood-fibre or plywood panels. One of the lengthways grooves has a leanghtways tongue ...