Anatomy.the usually movable organ in the floor of the mouth in humans and most vertebrates, functioning in eating, in tasting, and, in humans, in speaking. analogous organ in invertebrate animals. the tongue of an animal, as an ox, beef, or sheep, used for food, often prepare...
Anatomy. the usually movable organ in the floor of the mouth in humans and most vertebrates, functioning in eating, in tasting, and, in humans, in speaking. Zoology. an analogous organ in invertebrate animals. the tongue of an animal, as an ox, beef, or sheep, used for food, often pre...
mouth, in human anatomy, orifice through which food and air enter the body. The mouth opens to the outside at the lips and empties into the throat at the rear; its boundaries are defined by the lips, cheeks, hard and soft palates, and glottis. It is divided into two sections: the ...
(anatomy) A muscular organ located on the floor of the mouth in humans and most vertebrates which may serve various functions, such as taking and swallowing food or tasting or as a tactile organ or sometimes a prehensile organ. (geology) A minor rock-stratigraphic unit of limited geographic...
Gross Anatomy of the Tongue The tongue is a muscular projection that assists with chewing, speech, and taste. The tongue hasvariableVariableVariables represent information about something that can change. The design of the measurement scales, or of the methods for obtaining information, will determin...
1.(Anatomy) a movable mass of muscular tissue attached to the floor of the mouth in most vertebrates. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food. In man it plays an important part in the articulation of speech sounds. ...
Book2023,Craniofacial Anatomy and Forensic Identification GloriaNusse Explore book Tongue Thetonguehas been studied as abiometricunit for identification in the last few years[30,31]. Because it is an internal organ that is visible from outside the body, its unique individual characteristics can be ...
in Western medicine have paid attention to it,except a few who study tongue cancer.The tongue is typically described as a muscular organ important for taste,mastication,speech and sensation.Other than its development,anatomy/gross structural analyses and taste function(for recent reviews,see Roper ...
The functions of the tongue are multitasking, and as such, the tongue rarely receives the attention in textbooks it deserves. This chapter highlights the complex muscular anatomy of the tongue that is based on intrinsic and extrinsic musculature. Four cranial nerves, i.e., lingual nerve from the...
Add new Web site: University of Maryland - School of Dentistry - Structure and variability in human tongue muscle anatomy. Gloria Lotha Apr 19, 2023 Add new Web site: Verywell Health - Tongue: Anatomy, Function, and Disorders. Gloria Lotha ...