童巧(TONGQIAO)童装套装 推荐理由:采用聚酯纤维材质,温暖防风,陪伴孩子温暖过寒冬,这款夏季套装采用了经典时尚的拼色设计,在色彩上面显得特别亮眼吸睛,柔软的混纺面料细腻舒适,俏皮的设计彰显童趣,弹性适中,舒适不紧勒。,获得了100%的好评率,评价其穿上超美,不会掉色,柔软舒适 详细了解查看童巧(TONGQIAO)童装套装...
Objective to summarize the experience of the use of traditional Chinese and western medicine,self-Quyu Tongqiao side with Western medicine in treatment of traumatic intracranial hematoma,and improve the clinical success rate of treatment. 目的总结采用中西医结合疗法,运用自拟祛瘀通窍方配合西医治疗外伤性...
The present invention relates to a Chinese patent medicine Tongqiao Huonao Zhitong Kewenling for effectively the diseases of headache, exogenous febrile disease and influenza. It is characterized by that said Chinese patent medicine is made up by using 15 Chinese medicinal materials of mahonia leaf,...
拼音名:Tongqiao Biyan Pian 标准编号:WS3-B-1423-93 本品为苍耳子、防风、黄芪、白芷、辛夷、白术、薄荷等药味经加工制成的片剂。 【性状】 本品为糖衣片,除去糖衣后,显黄棕色;味微苦、辛凉。 【鉴别】 ( 1)取本品粉末10片,除去糖衣,研细,加石油醚(60~90℃)10ml,超声处理20分钟,滤过,滤液挥至1ml...
通窍汤 ( tongqiaotang ) 通窍汤《古今医鉴》 主治:散寒通窍。治外感风寒,鼻塞声重流涕。 处方:防风羌活藁本升麻干葛川芎苍术各3克麻黄白芷各1.5克川椒细辛甘草各0.9克 用法用量:上药加生姜3片,葱白1根,水煎,热服。
拼音名:TongqiaoZhentongSan标准编号:WS3-B-0123-89【处方】 石菖蒲 125g 郁金 125g 荜茇 125g 香附(醋炙)125g 木香 125g 丁香 125g 檀香125g 沉香 125g 苏合香 125g 安息香 125g 冰片 37.5g 乳香 125g【制法】 以上十二味、乳香、安息香、冰片分别研细,苏合香用乙醇溶解,滤过,石菖蒲等八味粉碎成...
OBJECTIVE: To explore the mechanism by which Tongqiao Yizhi granule (通窍益智颗粒, TQYZKL) intervenes pyroptosis to treat vascular dementia (VaD) in a rat model. METHODS: The rat model of VaD was established by two-vessel occlusion (2VO). The rats were randomly divided into Sham group, ...
Treatment of 41 Cases of Sudden Deafness by"Tongqiao Conger Decoction"; 通窍聪耳汤治疗突发性耳聋41例5) Tongqiaoxingnao soup 通窍醒脑汤 1. The Tongqiaoxingnao soup treatment create tSAH 81 clinical observation; 通窍醒脑汤治疗创伤性蛛网膜下腔出血81例临床观察6...
Tong Qiao Tong Qiao 关注 详情 评价 用户评价 去发布我的评价 心动小镇 8.7 模拟经营治愈多人联机 三角洲行动 6.9 生存射击动作