Capsules: 1 Capsule 2x per day. Tincture: 30 drops (1 mL) CYCLE: 5 Days on, 2 Days off Type 100:1 Water Soluble Extract Capsule Ingredients Tongkat Ali & Organic Brown rice powder. We use the same TKA in our bags of powder and our capsules. Active Components 34.91% glycosaponins...
阿里巴巴现货 Tongkat Ali Capsules东革阿里胶囊60粒源头工厂直销 跨境供,复合功能型保健产品,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是现货 Tongkat Ali Capsules东革阿里胶囊60粒源头工厂直销 跨境供的详细页面。原产地:中国大陆,是否进口:否,保质期:24个月,产
阿里巴巴现货 Tongkat Ali Capsules东革阿里胶囊60粒亚马逊 跨境外贸供应,复合功能型保健产品,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是现货 Tongkat Ali Capsules东革阿里胶囊60粒亚马逊 跨境外贸供应的详细页面。原产地:中国大陆,是否进口:否,保质期:24个月,产
Tongkat Ali has been consumed for centuries as part of a daily ritual to promote health and wellness. The best time to take Long Jack would be in the morning, on an empty stomach. This will allow for the most effective absorption of the extract. If you are a sports lover or an active...
阿里巴巴现货 Tongkat Ali Capsules东革阿里胶囊60粒源头工厂直销 跨境供,复合功能型保健产品,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是现货 Tongkat Ali Capsules东革阿里胶囊60粒源头工厂直销 跨境供的详细页面。原产地:中国大陆,是否进口:否,保质期:24个月,产
阿里巴巴跨境 东革阿里胶囊Tongkat Ali Capsules工厂源头热卖 o em,复合功能型保健产品,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是跨境 东革阿里胶囊Tongkat Ali Capsules工厂源头热卖 o em的详细页面。是否进口:是,保质期:24个月,原产国/地区:美国,产品名称:东革
Premium Tongkat Cheap offers quality tongkat ali capsules. Visit my website for details about my products.
Active ingredients epimedium extract,Maca Extract,TongKat Ali Extract,Ginseng Extract,etc Function • Sensory nerve stimulation to promote sexual function. • Anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial, anti-asthmatic antitussive. • Blood pressure and increase coronary blood flow and...
Tongkat Ali Capsules 生产日期 近期生产 储藏方法 密封避光储存 不适宜人群 详情外包装 生产许可证编号 SC12741019400347 货号 外贸东革阿里胶囊60caps 包装规格 60caps 储存条件 常温 制作工艺 胶囊填充 产品认证 否 主要营养成分 Tongkat Ali 东革阿里