巴特利特bartlett new hampshire 巴托Bartow 巴索尔特basalt 巴斯特罗普Bastrop 巴斯特罗普县Bastrop County 巴达维亚Batavia 贝茨维尔Batesville 巴斯bath 巴斯县Bath County 巴斯bath-us 巴吞鲁日Baton Rouge 巴特尔克里克Battle Creek 巴克斯特Baxter 巴克斯特县Baxter County 贝城Bay City 贝城Bay City 贝县Bay County 贝米内...
North Tonawanda is a city in Niagara County New York. The city has a population of just over 31K residents and is named after the Tonawanda Creek which means “Swift Running Water”. Named due to the swift-flowing rapids this feature was tamed when the Erie Canal was constructed. North Ton...