Tags:bodywear,男性內衣,David Beckham,fashion,H&M,men underwear,大衛·貝克漢 CommentsLeave a Comment CategoriesFashion,Video Sean O’Pry for H&M Fall 2013 Coats & Jackets 11Oct · Outerwear Essentials–The cold weather is upon us and Swedish retailer H&M answers the call with their latest lineup...
Pat McGrath不為自己設限,往往能與設計師相互激盪出精彩的作品,在與前Dior創意總監John Galliano合作多年後,這是她首度與設計師Bill Gaytten合作的Dior 2011秋冬高級訂製服妝容。(圖/Pat McGrath FB) · 而最好的學習範本,自然就是每一季的服裝系列與模特兒本身。「我所見到的布料、服裝系列的色彩與女孩的臉龐都深...
Hilfiger has a longstanding affinity for music, which has remained a never-ending source of inspiration throughout his career and developed into a strong connection between his brand and the music industry. In the ‘90s, Hilfiger was one of the first designers to blend fashion and celebrity, an...