"beaconDataList": [ { "name": "Pressed button information", "buttonId": 2, "buttonName": "SingleClick", "serviceId": 5 } ]PropertiesTypeDescription buttonId Number The button ID representing a button type or a button action. buttonName String The meaning of the buttonId....
Note: JIRA isn’t an acronym it’s a truncation of the word, Gojira which is the real Japanese name for Godzilla. The folks that created JIRA chose the name as a tongue-in-cheek jab at their biggest rival at the time, Bugzilla. When you join the TomEE community you will end…Read ...
This is the most beautiful picture with kodomo no hi wagashi I know. I have a question about chimaki, do you maybe know, what is the meaning of these long shaped chimaki in bamboo leaves which are bound together? it reminds me on a “broom”. I have read it has something to do ...