tome ai中文版下载2024官方安卓版是一种基于人工智能的内容创建工具,Tome AI提供独特的功能,用户只需输入关键主题或大纲,即可一键生成整套专业的PowerPoint演示文稿,提供海量免费且高品质的图片、图标、插图资源,让用户在制作PPT时拥有更多创意选项,强大的自然语言处理能力使得Tome AI能够适应不同语言环境,满足国际化的演示...
Discover how TomeAI's Presentation Desk AI-Powered can revolutionize your presentations. Upgrade your skills and impress your audience today!
With Tome AI, effortlessly create powerful and polished AI PowerPoint presentations using straightforward English prompts. 2. Is the Tome AI presentation generator Free? Tome AI offers a free plan that provides 500 AI credits at no cost. You can create unlimited presentations; however, once your c...
Compare SlideModel.AI VS Tome and find out what's different, what people are saying, and what are their alternatives
PowerPoint alternative tool Tome AI has snapped up $43 million in Series B funding, bringing the platform’s total value to $300 million. The AI-driven platform accomplished the feat without making a single sale, according toForbes.Founded by former Meta managers Keith Peiris and Henri Liriani...
有些工具非常有用,而其他一些则没有太大作用。接下来,我将向大家介绍6个确实让我的生活变得更轻松的AI工具。 01 Tome: AI驱动的演示文稿创建工具 你是否曾经需要创建演示文稿,却无法想出一个好的大纲,或者不知道应该写些什么以及应该包括哪些图片? 在使用PowerPoint制作演示文稿时,我经常面临这样的情况。幸运的是...
斯坦福大学开源 AI 写作系统:一键生成高质量长文,科研写作效率迎来革命性突破 2025 年 1 月 3 日,斯坦福大学宣布开源其最新研发的AI写作系统 STORM & Co-STORM,该系统能够通过简单的主题输入,快速... PPResume 更新: No Vendor Lock-in,对所有简历提供完整的 LaTeX 源代码 ...