After you install Directory Server Enterprise Edition, you can deploy the WAR file to access DSCC. Refer to the following procedure for deployment instructions: To Deploy WAR File With Tomcat The following example shows how to install DSCC in Tomcat on a Solaris 10 system. Create the WAR file...
The following example shows how to install DSCC in Tomcat on a Solaris 10 system. The steps might differ depending on the application server that you use to deploy the WAR file. For information about deploying the WAR file using other application servers, see the respective server documentation....
1、将应用文件夹或war文件直接copy到tomcat的webapps目录下,这样tomcat启动的时候会将webapps目录下的文件夹或war文件的内容当成应用部署。这种方式最简单且无须书写任何配置文件。 2、在tomcat的server.xml配置文件中的Host节点下增加Context子节点,如: <Context path="/test"d...
tomcat deploy部署项目三种方法 1、将应用文件夹或war文件直接copy到tomcat的webapps目录下,这样tomcat启动的时候会将webapps目录下的文件夹或war文件的内容当成应用部署。这种方式最简单且无须书写任何配置文件。 2、在tomcat的server.xml配置文件中的Host节点下增加Context子节点,如: <Context path="/test"docBase="...
1 #!/bin/sh 2 #check war exists 3 echo "check war exists" 4 war_file_path=/data/tomcat8/webapps 5 war_file_name=ROOT.war 6 7 8 if [ ! -f "$war_file_path/$war_file_name" ]; then 9 echo " ---war not exists---" 10 exit 11 else 12 echo "---exists---" 13 fi 14...
1.从Eclipse中将项目打包成war包,Run as >> Maven Install,然后将war包放在tomcat\webapps下,如图...
Tomcat WAR deployment example If you want to develop web applications and Apache Tomcat is your target web server, you need to know how to deploy WAR files to Tomcat so you can see if your ...
-f WARFILE, --file=WARFILE Custom WAR file to deploy. By default the script will generate own WAR file on-the-fly. And sample usage on Kevgir 1 VM by running at :user$ python -v -x -p 4449 -H
jenkins打包部署到tomcat报错Build step ‘Deploy war/ear to a container‘ marked build as failure,jenkins打包部署到tomcat报错
部署WAR文件 使用Tomcat Maven插件将WAR文件部署到Tomcat服务器中。 代码语言:shell 复制 $ mvn tomcat7:deploy 如果之前已经部署过相同的应用程序,在重新部署之前需要先卸载旧版本。 代码语言:shell 复制 $ mvn tomcat7:undeploy 运行测试 我们可以在浏览器中输入"http://localhost:8080/myapp"来访问应用程序。