※本遊戲為『RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER』的試玩版。 你可以免費遊玩遊戲本篇的開頭部分。線上多人遊玩機能等部分機能無法使用。 『Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration』內含備受讚譽、榮獲超過75項「最佳」獎項提名的『Rise of the Tomb Raider』。在此遊戲中,蘿
古墓丽影 崛起 Rise of the Tomb Raider的评论。挺喜欢这一部,建模,画质很精美,UI比上部也人性化了许多,非常喜欢劳拉那件红棉袄,太戳我的审美了。战斗和跑图体验较上部成熟了不少,潜行成了一种选择,跑图手感也好多了,但只是65分的水平,毛病还是不少:...
the most interesting ones are still those that you have to hunt down on the side. Rise of the Tomb Raider’s ‘challenge tombs’, those that speak most strongly to Tomb Raider’s heritage, are its highlight; imaginative, environmentally gorgeous, and increasingly tough as you...
The first thing I need to point out is that this game is not 'open world' in the format which I have become accustomed too. It is very much in the format of the typical Tomb Raider linear environment after environment. Such as castle environment first, followed by city environment then ...
Rise of the Tomb Raideris a decidedly-more next-gen game (mainly when it comes to its visuals), even down to the timed exclusivity period on Xbox One. As expected, though, said exclusivity period has passed, andRise of the Tomb Raiderhas stepped out from Microsoft’s shadow, finding a ...
So, as an eternally smug PC owner, I’m proud to say nabbing Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC is clearly the best course of action. It’s everything the old Tomb Raider games were and now so much richer, more detailed, more involved, more dramatic, and just way more fun. It’s al...
Rise of the Tomb Raider has many faces. It's a third-person shooter, online leaderboard chaser, Ubisoft-esque collectible hunter, vintage environmental puzzler, 3D platformer, MGS5-rivalling stealth game, and a squirrel murdering simulator, all delivered with the visual flair of a Hollywood blockb...
From the get go in Rise of the Tomb Raider, it’s clear that things are going to be a little different this time around. The very first thing you do after the barrage of initial cutscenes is to get raiding, and the tomb itself is far larger and more complex than those encountered on...
One of the best Tomb Raider games is coming to Xbox Game Pass Rise of the Tomb Raiderreturns to that Lara and that world, and like its predecessor, it does many things very well. Lara Croft has gone beyond being just a relatable, fascinating and well-rounded protagonist to becoming one ...
Silent-Heal's Review of Rise of the Tomb Raider. Read GameSpot player reviews and contribute your own!