【PS1游戏音乐】古墓丽影1 初代 背景音乐『无损音质』Tomb Raider I BGM 1996年 534 0 03:28 App 异象回声|劳拉唱一首Merry Go 'Round(ゝ∀・) 394 0 00:25 App 【古墓丽影cos】出了劳拉 1006 0 04:27 App 【高音质】你还爱我吗 178 0 02:21 App 【PS1游戏音乐】寄生前夜 初代开场曲 开场音...
This looks really nice and original. The idea of a PS1 exclusive Tomb Raider level set is interesting too, kind of like it was released in an alternative timeline. And yet it feels weirdly nostalgic somehow. I'll be trying this out for sure. 26-02-22, 02:53 #3 Delroj Member Joi...
deadmando9 Member Joined: Oct 2023 Posts: 1,438 Is this game actually going to be playable on a Ps1, or is going to be on a streaming site or service? 02-01-24, 18:09 #119 LoreRaider Member Joined: Jul 2016 Posts: 2,079 Loving the attention to detail for this game! The o...
Home Gaming Retro & Arcade Gaming That time CVG ranked Spice Girls (PS1) higher than Tomb Raider 2, FF7, Goldeneye, or Dreamcast That time CVG ranked Spice Girls (PS1) higher than Tomb Raider 2, FF7, Goldeneye, or Dreamcast
收藏范围和标准: 1.美版实体正版PS系列游戏,包括PS1、PS2、PS3、PS4、PS5、PSP、PSV 2.尽量收藏最初首发版本 3.Metacritic评分大于等于90分且评论媒体数量大于等于7家(PS1) 4.Metacritic评分大于等于90分且评论媒体数量大于等于15家(除PS1以外) 即获得Metacritic的 Mu
This package have a total of 11 Games of Tomb Raider and all the DLC.Game Competition (Tomb Raider Collection) ~ Answer the following questions to win ~Questions 01: Where in the world would you have gone to find treasure? Questions 02: Treasure hunters always take with them a weapon on...
I never wanted to have sex with Lara Croft. And I didn't want to protect her either. In the early Tomb Raider games that I played and loved, the relationship was simple. The lethal, archly snippy adventurer was me and I was her. I wanted what she wanted:
Home Gaming Retro & Arcade Gaming That time CVG ranked Spice Girls (PS1) higher than Tomb Raider 2, FF7, Goldeneye, or Dreamcast That time CVG ranked Spice Girls (PS1) higher than Tomb Raider 2, FF7, Goldeneye, or Dreamcast