The mission's name is a pun on Tomb Raider, the game series featuring Lara Croft as its titular protagonist who raids various ancient tombs around the world. In the mission, Tanya is intentionally featured in the mission as the Red Alert franchise's parody of the Tomb Raider franchise's La...
Subseries of Tomb Raider Tomb Raider (2013) 2013 Rise of the Tomb Raider 2016 Shadow of the Tomb Raider 2018 Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition 2024 Contents [e] [+]Availability [+]Monetization [-]Essential improvements Skip game launcher [+]Game data Video Input [+]Audio [+]Networ...
Slots:Tomb Raider·Secret of the Sword·Lara Croft: Temples and Tombs Browser:Lara's Land Rover Challenge·Load It Like Lara·Tomb Raider (Flash)·Trail Raider·Tomb Raider: Escape The Tomb·Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Path of the Stars ...
Tomb Raider Series Remark: This article describes the regularTomb Raider Seriesfor the main platforms of the time. For information on all games, seeGames. TheTomb Raider Seriesof video games currently consists of ten released games, one game that is rumoured to be in the making, and one re...
Tomb Raider (2013), which is officially just calledTOMB RAIDER, subtitledA Survivor is Born, is the 9th title in theTomb Raider Series(not countingAnniversary). The game is the start of the second reboot of the main series, the previous reboot beingTomb Raider: Legend. FurtherLara Croft's...
This is a collaborative walkthrough for Tomb Raider. Please add any missing information to any section and/or correct any errors that you find. Follow the paw prints in the snow straight ahead. Shortly you'll reach an area with slits in the walls. This i
Tomb Raider Chronicles is the fifth game in the Tomb Raider Series, and the last of the Tomb Raider Classic games. The game consists of four sections, each dedicated to an adventure from Lara's past taking place at different locations around the globe. It has no expansions, however the ...
However, a Tomb Raider appears with the purpose of robbing these relics. The Tomb Raider King. “God damn it! Did that bastard already loot this place as well?!” What you own belongs to me. What I own belongs to me. This is the story of a revived Tomb Raider who will do whatever...
Tomb Raider: The Crypt of Chronosis more than just a board game: this is a full Tomb Raider experience! Lara Croft must embark on a journey to the elusive island of Kairos in search of an artifact said to hold the reins of time. She will have to navigate treacherous terrain, evade cunn...
Tomb Raider King is a community site that anyone can contribute to but be respectful and don't destroy the work of someone else. This wiki is dedicated to the Manhwa and Novel that has the same name. The God’s Tombs started to appear around the world. Due to the relics within these ...