Shadow of the Tomb Raider has 16 Challenges but only 15 are needed for 100% Completion (Completionist trophy and achievement). Each region has different requirements and new unique tasks to complete. The tricky part is that the game does not tell you what to do and unlike Collectibles, the ...
Tomb RaiderComplete all challenges windrainride 翻译 古墓丽影 完成所有挑战 劳拉和奥西里斯神庙 PS4奖杯心得⚠️2021.08.05起,明确规定『奖杯Tips』发布的内容范围 ✅奖杯攻略相关内容 🚫白金留念 🚫联机信息(→这里) 🚫非奖杯相关提问(→这里) 🚫游戏评价(→这里...
Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Deadly Obsession difficulty Destiny's Trialed Complete the Forge of Destiny Challenge Tomb Heir Born Complete the Echoes of the Past Side Mission Bleeding Edge Obtain the Grenadier Skill, equip the Umbrage 3-80 Shade weapon, and Brocken Shadow outfit Echoes ...
The official strategy guide to the newest Tomb Raider game. Welcome back Lara Croft with BradyGames Lara Croft is back! Swing and shoot your way through the latest Tomb Raider game with Tomb Raider Signature Series Guide from BradyGames. It's been a long time since this gun-wielding adventurer...
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Tomb Raider: Legend Tomb Raider: Underworld Tomb Raider (2013) Shadow of the Tomb Raider 9 Epic Tomb Raider Moments That Live in Our Head Rent-Free Apr 22, 2024Lara...
“Chatterbox” achievement during that playthrough. Keep talking to each person until the “X” symbol above their head is gone. You will also see theTomb Raiderauto-save logo flashing in the bottom right corner of the screen when all conversations with one person have ...
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Weapons Guide will help you with all of the weapon in Shadow of the Tomb Raider from Bows, Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles, etc.
The gorgeous Tomb Raider: Underworld – The Complete Official Guide is the perfect travel companion for every last step of Lara’s latest adventure. It features a unique “super-visual” walkthrough that combines direct, easy-to-follow instructions with beautiful annotated maps and a wealth of il...
Tomb Raider Legend Walkthrough and Game Guide Featuring All Secrets and Hidden Rewards Level 1: BOLIVIA - TiwanakuThe game begins with a cut scene. Young Lara and her mother are in flight. Lara is holding a book and says to her the mother that just because no one caught one, it does ...
Unfinished Business Complete one of optional challenges (this is always the last category of secrets on the list, for example Ghost Hunter in the location Coastal Forest). Widowmaker Kill 40 enemies with a shotgun. Tomb Raider March 5, 2013 Rate It! Overview Guide You...