它是美国陆军部直接管辖的两座国家级公墓之一。无名战士墓(Tomb of the Unknowns)位于阿灵顿国家公墓之中。 zh.wikipedia.org|基于30个网页 2. 无名烈士墓 ...ngton National Cemetery)的无名烈士墓(Tomb of the Unknowns)献上花环,奥巴马和家人还在华盛顿的都市非洲圣公会大教 … ...
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a monument in Warsaw, Poland, dedicated to the unknown soldiers who have given their lives for Poland. It is one of many such national tombs of unknowns that were erected after World War I, and the most important such monument in Poland.The monument, ...
After World War 1, a movement began to commemorate these unknown soldiers with a single tomb, that would contain the body of one such unidentified soldier. That one soldier would then serve as a symbol of the sacrifice of all the unknown soldiers who died in battle. Today, there are many...
Wikipedia tomb,vault or chamber constructed either partly or entirely above ground as a place of interment. Although it is often used as a synonym forgrave, the word is derived from the Greektymbos[burial ground]. It may also designate a memorial shrine erected above a grave. The concept of...
en.wikipedia.org The current estimate of tombs in the cemetery is over 1100. en.wikipedia.org After that, a tomb was erected over his burial place and a chapel was built around it. en.wikipedia.org He decides to enter his father's tomb to investigate. ...
Wikipedia tombal (ˈtuːməl)or adj like or relating to a tomb Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Wikipedia (Zool.)any one of species of Old World bats of the genusTaphozouswhich inhabit tombs, especially the Egyptian species (Taphozous perforatus). See also:Tomb Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...
Wikipedia The Rogue's Papers Perpetuation Auftragstaktik The Regimental System Section Attack; Part 1 Section Attack Part 2 Tiger's Can't Live in a Box A la Bayonet 21st Century Infantry Company Vimy Memorial Dieppe Cemetery Unknown Soldier How to Suck an Egg Researching The Royal Canadian Regi...
Howard Carter in 1924, and the tomb of Tutankhamun.Photo Credit: Wikipedia Born in Kensington on May 9, 1874, Howard Carter uncovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. He was no stranger to ancient Egypt by the time he made arguably the greatest (and certainly the most...
Besides the banter, the impression one gets is there's little middle ground, when to me it was pretty much par for the course in TR3. It's more interesting than average TR3 in gameplay terms if only because of the addition of a new vehicle, but it's less memorable than average TR3...