Lito Perezito. The artist who created loading screens for The Golden Mask. This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see theCOPYING.mdfile for details Acknowledgments If you are inspired by my project and decided to borrow some of the ideas found in the code, do not ...
Getting rid of TR1 and TR3 Boss in Tombraider Remastered. Latest Binaries build on github are available in Release : or at Tombraider Remastered For Tombraider Remastered Edition all stuff is in the same page (Fir...
Tomb Raider I + The Unfinished Business Expansion Tomb Raider II + The Gold Mask Expansion Tomb Raider III + The Lost Artifact Expansion Key Features Solve Ancient Mysteries: Uncover treasures of the ancient world by solving puzzles and unraveling mysteries lost to the ravages of time. Globe-trot...
OCB 2: Starts rolling on the floor when triggered. OCB 3: Will throw stones at player. Imp is also scared of of the player if holding a lit torch. Please note you must use the patched version found here: ...
Latest release now available via GitHub: If the source of your game is Steam or GOG, first remove all existing DLL files that are present in your game folder. The DLL files -Dec130,Edec,WinPlay,WinsdecandWinStrcan remain. Any other DLL files be...
Golden Mask The Cold War Fools Gold Furnace of the Gods Kingdom Nightmare in Vegas Tomb Raider 3 Jungle Temple Ruins
Grid-Mask-Modeling This is the Pytorch implement of our GMiM: Adaptive and Hierarchical Self-supervised Pre-Training for 3D Medical Image Segmentation Our code is heavily based on Swin UNETER and MONAI. Thanks for open source. Model Overview The architecture of our method is illustrated below: ...