Choose a face (image with desired face) and the target image/video (image/video in which you want to replace the face) and click on Start. Open file explorer and navigate to the directory you select your output to be in. You will find a directory named where you can see the frames ...
imread(path)[:, :, ::-1] predictor = face.InsightFace(args) res = predictor.predict(img) print(next(res)) The prediction result saved as "./output/tmp.png". Video parser = face.parser() args = parser.parse_args() args.det = True args.output = "./output" input_path = "./...
a有一些不可思议,人的脸会随着心情改变 Has some inconceivable, human's face can along with the mood change [translate] a你最喜欢的学生是谁? [translate] apropagation time shall be an operate time of 15ms with approximately 3ms of bounce 传播时间将是15ms的操作时间与跳动近似地3ms [translate] ...
Another interesting aside is that the additional clickthroughs generated through the Facebook ad campaign made absolutely no difference to my daily download/sales averages. I should have also created a separate campaign for each ad as Facebook will automatically prefer the more popular ads in a g...
高清JPEG、BMP、GIF、PNG、TIF 语言 英语 法语 德语 西班牙语 意大利语等多边语言 选项 浏览所有视频网站,支持Netflix、Hulu、Flixster、Youtube等。 从安卓市场、亚马逊应用商店等免费下载应用程序。 本地媒体播放,支持HDD、U盘、TF卡。 支持电子邮件、办公套装等 ...