细究一下,Tomato Sauce和Ketchup真的是两个东西。从成分上来说,Tomato Sauce主要由番茄、油、肉、高汤和香料构成,很少会加醋进去;而Ketchup主要由番茄、糖、醋(或其他酸性物质)以及香料构成。从用途上讲,Tomato Sauce用于烹饪,加热后使用;而Ketchup则用于冷食,以蘸料的形式出现。比如,Fries with Ketchup Ch...
Ketchup(番茄酱)是由番茄、糖、醋(醋酸)和香料制成的。然而,tomato sauce(番茄酱汁)是由西红柿、油、肉或蔬菜高汤和香料制成的。它从不用醋。此外,番茄酱是冷的,从来不是热的,而各种酱汁都是热的。To make it simpler, ketchup is made with a variety of spices while the sauce is generally made wi...
01、tomayto,tomahto 原因很简单,tomato这个词在美式英语中读作“tomayto [təˈmeɪtoʊ]”,在英式英语中又读作“tomahto [təˈmɑːtəʊ]”; 而英式和美式的这两个读音有细小的差别,但都是指的“tomato”这个词,所以...
When it comes to ‘tomato sauce’ and ‘tomato ketchup’, we often consider them the same, but actually, they are not.说到tomato sauce和tomato ketchup,我们通常认为它们是一样的,但实际上它们不是。If we go by the food historians, ketc...
反正只要知道,Purée比Paste更稀就记住了... Tomato Purée一般用于做汤和炖。 TOMATO SAUCE 这个才是正宗的可以翻译成Tomato Sauce的番茄酱!它还有另一个著名的名字叫Neapolitan sauce。最基础的Tomato Sauce成分是切碎的番茄果肉、橄榄油和盐,除此之外,还会放大蒜、香料和高汤等等。 所以说...
Tomato Paste 800g Canned Brix 28-30 Tomato Sauce Manufacturer, Find Details and Price about Tin Tomato Paste Tomato Paste/Ketchup from Tomato Paste 800g Canned Brix 28-30 Tomato Sauce Manufacturer - Hebei Tomato Industry Co., Ltd.
Tomato Paste Best Brand Tomato Sauce Price Without Additive From Manufacturer, Find Details and Price about Tomato Paste Tomato Paste 28-30% from Tomato Paste Best Brand Tomato Sauce Price Without Additive From Manufacturer - Hebei Tomato Industry Co., L
Sometimes, we visit our long-term customers. Our SMIKI brand, GOLDEN PEARL RIVER DELTA brand, AMOI brand, DRAGON LEE brand sauce products and sesame oils have been exported to more than 30 countries, with more than 10 exclusive agents around the wo...
Ketchup 的成分是 在tomato sauce( or paste) 作为主要原料的基础上添加了水、糖、盐、食用防腐剂等...
再倒入番茄酱,掺入鲜汤,调入白糖、精盐、胡椒粉,放香叶,小火将水分收干后,拣去香叶,即成番茄沙司。三: tomato sauce tomato sauce有两种, 一种就是tomato paste.另外一种就是直接把番茄机械的炸成汁状, 而且可以直接饮用。或者佐餐用。tomato sauce是最天然的拉。谢谢!!