theGAME31gene function. A.B., J.B., Y.T. and I.R.d.l.F. characterized theGAME5gene function. N.S., S.M. and I.R. performed the metabolomics analysis and metabolite annotation. D.Z. provided BILs and supervised the field experiment. A.A. planned and supervised the study. S.B...
But it’s so not. The dough whirs together in the bowl of a food processor in seconds. The whole thing takes 45 minutes to come together. Once you par-bake that tart shell, that’s it; that’s all the baking. Then you just fill with creamy ricotta, Parmesan and bright heirloom tom...
All Fall Down gave me the space to find the alien DNA: it was in place at the start of Children of Fall. The moment of infection I also had early on – without going into spoiler territory, I very much wanted a scene like one you would find in a superhero comic. But it also had...
Nature Plants (Nat. Plants)ISSN2055-0278(online) Sign up for theNature Briefingnewsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Email address Sign up I agree my information will be processed in accordance with theNatureand Springer Nature LimitedPrivacy Policy....
"So, I don't want that buffalo stuffer anywhere near me. Anyone who calls playing a video game fun with chodes online isn't worth the time and effort to acknowledge." Madeline feels hurt from Louise's words, and Paris and I watch as they start to fight. "He just said hi to us,...