a specific strain of ToLCNDV has spread to Spain and has become a serious threat for zucchini squash cultivation (Panno et al., 2016). ToLCNDV-infected zucchini squash plants show typical symptoms including severe curling, yellow mosaic and vein swelling of young leaves, shortening of inter...
The symptoms induced by TYLCV are typically a leaf curling of the leaves with different levels of yellowing (Figure 2). However in a single field of infected tomato plants a variety of symptoms can be observed from green to purple leaf curling, thickening of the veins and the stems, and...
(A) Symptom development in TYLCV-susceptible Seogwang cultivar tomato showing typical symptoms such as yellowing and curling of leaves and severe stunting (left) and TYLCV-tolerant Bacchus tomato showing no symptoms (right). (B) Identification of Ty-1, 2, and 3 loci. Two different bands were...
where 0 = no visible symptoms and inoculated plants were similar to non-inoculated plants; 1 = mild yellowing of leaves at the apical point and no curly leaves; 2 = some yellowing and curling of apical leaves; 3 = strong ...
The symptoms of TYLCV in infected tomato plants include yellowing, chlorosis and leaf curling of young leaves, stunted growth, and marked reduction of leaf size (Fig. 1a, b), which causes up to 100% yield loss in tomato. The widespread occurrence and tremendous spread rate to new regions ...
(14 and 21 dpi). The study was completed with the characterization of the changes in the host methylome upon TYLCV infection at 14 dpi. To evaluate the biological significance of the results, we must contemplate that the data correspond to a systemic infection from tomato apical leaves, in ...
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is transmitted by the whitefly,Bemisia tabaci. The virus causes yellowing and upward curling of the leaves, stunted growth, and reduced fruit production in infected tomato plants. The disease is most prevalent in warm and humid climates. There is no cure ...
2-DE proteomic map of tomato leaves from non-infested tomato plants. Protein extracts were analyzed in first dimension (pH 4–7 linear IPG, 18 cm); second dimension was performed on a vertical slab (12%T) gel. Protein detection was achieved by using colloidal Coomassie staining. Numbering re...
Copper (Cu) Inter-vein chlorosis starting at the periphery of the leaves. Subsequently, tissues may become necrotic and dry and the edge of the leaves curl up. The plants wilt at times, and their growth is reduced. This deficiency is uncommon in tomato. Cu is an element involved in many...
(Fig. 1A,1). On the contrary, virus-resistant GF967 plants infected the same day as the 967 plants and subsequently grown at high temperature did not show significant disease symptoms (Figs 1A and2). Samples of young leaves, which developed during the course of TYLCV infection, were ...