If you cannot find a neighbor to entrust with watering your tomato plants while you are away for a few days, help your precious tomato plants by mulching well and covering the plants with straw for insulation. Place container-grown tomato plants in buckets or trays of shallow water until ...
1. The hydroponics system is the future of it, grows with very well for the cucumber, tomato etc. To fill inside the dutch buckets, you can use just about any type of growing media, including expanded clay pellets, perlite, and coconut coir. 2. This system is mo...
Then they squeeze each tomato variety into labeled buckets and let them ferment for a few days, which helps release the pulp from the seeds. Next, they strain, rinse and air-dry the seeds. They have a new line of dwarf varieties that can be grown in smaller containers for folks who ...
In addition to publishing a very good book on urban gardening,The Compact Garden, Brian also has a heritage pole bean named after him: Fawcett’s Yugoslav. “I saved it from oblivion after I got it from a neighbour in Vancouver and then improved it with 20 years of selecting the best se...
Tomato cages (For a good crop, go with the largest size; the wire mesh supports the plant as it grows.) Potting mix Tomato plant food 5-gallon buckets If you'd prefer something more aesthetically pleasing than a bucket, there are many different planters, pots, and even ready-made self-...
Though this has been commercialized recently, the concept growing plants upside down is not a new one. Many people have been growing plants like tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets or hanging baskets for decades. Not having any spare bucket or hanging basket to sacrifice I went with my daughters sugg...