let spread=canvas.height; let size= Math.random() * 1.2;//速度this.delta = 0.06;//现在的位置this.x = 0;this.y = 0;//上次的位置this.px = Math.random() *canvas.width;this.py = canvas.height * 0.5 + (Math.random() - 0.5) *spread;//记录点最初的位置this.mx =this.px;this.m...
x = randomLocation(dom.clientWidth, dom.clientHeight).x; y = randomLocation(dom.clientWidth, dom.clientHeight).y; dom.innerHTML += `<span style="color: ${randomColor()};position: fixed;top: ${y}px;left: ${x}px;transform: ${randomAngle()};font-size: ${randomSize()};">${randomTe...
Bruce Gilley: In Defense of German Colonialism: And How Its Critics Empower Nazis, Communists, and the Enemies of the West (2022, Regnery): It's rather shocking that anyone could come up with a whole book of rationalizations for Germany's pre-WWI colonial empire, which is mostly remembered...
Jerry Beauchamp I was one of Tom's guitar students in San Francisco in 1973. It was challenging to maneuver my guitar up the stairs into his apartment because the walls were so densely lined with books, all of which he loved to discuss and to loan out. After I moved to Oregon, in 19...
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