article presents quotations from actor Tom Selleck on his most iconic film and television roles, including his recurring role as Richard on the television show "Friends," his first starring role on the television show "Magnum, P.I.," an...
For the past 14 years Selleck has starred in the hit CBS show "Blue Bloods," as the head of the NYPD, and the head of a strong (and often headstrong) family. The show is set to end this year, but there's been some pushback on that, most notably from Selleck himself. Tom Selleck...
Selleck, 77, stopped by “The Kelly Clarkson Show” on Wednesday and spoke to the host about how it feels to be an actor joining a long-running series. “(The) hardest thing is to guest on a show,” said Selleck, who has been starring on the police drama “Blue Bloods” since 2010...
Tom Selleck. Actor: Blue Bloods. Thomas William Selleck is an American actor and film producer, best known for his starring role as Hawaii-based private investigator "Thomas Magnum" on the 1980s television series, Magnum, P.I. (1980). Selleck was born i
Mid-'80s Tom Selleck was a pin up! (1984) Yes, that is Sharon Stone in Tom Selleck's arms. She appeared on aMagnum P.I.ep in 1984. But he'd been a thirst trap for over a decade prior to playing Magnum (1972) FilmPublicityArchive/United Arch ...
Tom Selleck Vote! Tom Welling Vote! Tom Skerritt Vote! Tom Felton Vote! Tom Hollander Vote! Tom Noonan Vote! Thomas Brodie-Sangster Vote! Tom Cavanagh Vote! Thomas Sadoski Vote! Tom Pelphrey Vote! Thomas Lennon Vote! Tom Everett Scott ...
A two-tone Rolex Datejust with a silver dial, similar to the one worn by Selleck in Three Men and a Baby. The Datejust, much like the Pepsi GMT, is a watch Selleck continues to wear to this day. You'll occasionally see it pop up on his wrist on the show Blue Bloods. There's...
“For the past 13 years it has been an honor and a privilege to work on a show that not only celebrates the men and women who protect and serve in New York City, but also displayed the importance of family,” Selleck toldThe Hollywood Reporterat the time. “Working alongside these i...
What makes The Shadow Riders such an interesting star vehicle for both Elliott and Selleck is that they are playing the opposite of what is expected of them. Anyone who has seen Selleck on Blue Bloods or in the Jesse Stone franchise may have expected him to be a downbeat, serious gunslinge...
Selleck — who has starred on the crime drama since 2010 — went on to explain thatBlue Bloodsranked nine out of 100 in the Top 100 Shows of 2023-2024, only adding to his frustration and confusion. “I’m not going to turn into a bitter old guy saying, ‘Get off my lawn,’” he...