Download & Stream Tom Odell, Lost Frequencies - Black Friday (pretty like the sun) [UROK] in highest quality | Find the latest releases here | #1 source for DJ Sets and more
24,is a bit more hip,picking Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys. The two singers befriended each other at a music festival in Munich,Tollwood,last summer,had a drink backstage while their respective bands mingled. Odell had already...
Rosemary Odell-Costume Design Rudolph Sternad-production & art design Russell A.Gausman-set designer Russell Harlan-cinematography Russell Metty-cinematogrphy Sacha Vierny -cinematographer Sam Leavitt-cinematography Saul Bass-(designer/titles) Sid Hickox-Cinematographer Sidney Hickox- cinematograp...
分享14赞 tomodell吧 pomposity_浮夸 【Tom Odell】Long Way Down 歌词收录话说专辑刚出来 歌词真难找 外网都难找全 度娘就更别指望了 不过还好新的官网有贴出新专的歌词啦哈哈哈我就搬过来咯~ 当然是专封镇楼 分享1151 会说话的家族吧 458032736 Tom and Angela - Stand By Me (NEW Music video from Talki...