Tom Holland is still in the midst of production on his third standalone Spider-Man film, and there have been all sorts of rumours revolving around its rather interesting cast; in addition to Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and Marisa Tomei, we've also heard that Benedict Cumberbatch wil...
Tom Holland (X) Marvel is finally bringing one of its best characters back "from the dead" 12/13/2024 by Michael Patterson Bam Smack Pow Avengers: Endgame Star Hayley Atwell To Reprise Agent Carter Role For Avengers: Doomsday 12/13/2024 ...
Tom Holland confirms Spider-Man 4 is on hold as a show of support for the writers' strike. By Jerry Mackenzie Jun 2, 2023 The Crowded Room (2023) The Crowded Room Poster Zooms in on Tom Holland & Amanda Seyfried Apple TV+ releases the first poster and trailer for upcoming thriller...
Tom Holland‘s Spider-Man is getting back behind the camera in no time. During an appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on Tuesday night, Holland confirmed that his fourth “Spider-Man” movie is happening — and even has a production start date. “Next summer, we ...
Rumor: New Details On Tom Holland's MCU Future As Spider-man Including New Trilogy And Bigger Avengers Role 9/22/2024 Avengers: Endgame Marvel star "almost fired" for leaking news 9/23/2024 by Michael Patterson Bam Smack Pow ...
Sony Reportedly Trying to Sell Spider-Man Rights Back to Marvel Will Bring Back Tom Holland to MCU but It Comes at a Horrible Cost 12/18/2024 by Rishabh Bhatnagar FandomWire BBC One The cast of the Casualty Christmas Special discuss the show’s longevity, importance – and festivity ...
Jon Watts directed the previous three Holland-led Spider-Man films. Together, “Spider-Man: Homecoming,”“Spider-Man: Far From Home” and “Spider-Man: No Way Home” have made over $3.9 billion globally. Holland told “Good Morning America” recently that the idea f...
The studio claimed July 24, 2026, for its theatrical release. Earlier this week, Tom Holland said that they plan to shoot next summer.
Tom Holland promises his Spider-Man is bringing something new to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “You’ve seen the billionaire, the scientist, the soldier. Now it’s time to see the kid,” the Spider-Man: Homecoming star says in this week’s Hollywood Reporter cover story.“And every...
Despite ongoing concerns over the coronavirus, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man 3 is still on track to be released in the summer of 2021. According to a studio insider the film is still on track to be released on July 16th, 2021. Since the coronavirus hit, Hollywood has effectively shut down ...