Hardy plays Praetor Shinzon, who is revealed to be a young clone of Stewart’sCaptain Picard.Speaking to Entertainment Tonightback in 2002, which is when Star Trek: Nemesis came out, Stewart said; “We didn’t know where to go. We couldn’t find someone. And I had a friend who had b...
Ana Douglas
Tom Hardy and Patrick Stewart in 'Star Trek: Nemesis'.Everett Collection Hardy, who was 25 and not yet a movie star whenNemesishit theaters, didn't develop a bond with the rest of the cast, according to Stewart: "Tom wouldn't engage with any of us on a social level. Never said, '...
Hardy portrayed the movie’s villain Shinzon, a clone of Stewart’s Jean-Luc Picard. “‘Nemesis,’ which came out in 2002, was particularly weak,” Stewart wrote of the “Star Trek” installment. “I didn’t have a single exciting scene to play, and the actor who portrayed the movie...
帕特里克·斯图尔特(Patrick Stewart)认为,在与汤姆·哈迪(Tom Hardy)合作《星际迷航》(Star Trek)后,他的事业不会有任何进展 汤姆·哈迪是一个家喻户晓的名字,但并非一直如此。这位新面孔的演员在2002年的《星际迷航:宿敌》中与帕特里克·斯图尔特演对手戏,据斯图尔特的最新回忆录称,他惹恼了这位皮卡德演员。
Patrick Stewart: Tom Hardy ‘Wouldn’t Engage’ with Co-Stars on ‘Star Trek’ Set, but ‘He Has Proven Me So Wrong’ Since First Experience "He was by no means hostile," Stewart said of working with Hardy on the 2002 film. "It was just challenging to establish any rapport with him...
Tom Hardy is a household name – but it wasn’t always that way. The fresh-faced actor appeared opposite Patrick Stewart in 2002’s much-maligned Star Trek: Nemesis and, according to Stewart’s latest memoir, rubbed the Picard actor up the wrong way. "Tom wouldn’t engage with any of ...
The Dark Knight Rises star is also taking an executive producer role. Poaching Wars With Tom Hardy is commissioned by ITV’s factual team. According to ITV, after Hardy became aware of the damage being inflicted in Africa by the poaching industry, he made a personal commitment to travel to ...
Tom Hardy is a British actor who was known for his striking good looks, idiosyncratic personality, and cerebral performances in both cult films and mainstream blockbusters, including Inception (2010), The Dark Knight Rises (2012), Mad Max: Fury Road (201
星际迷航:复仇女神 Star Trek: Nemesis.帕特里克·斯图尔特PatrickStewart.汤姆·哈迪TomHardy.朗·普尔曼RonPerlman 欧美电影《星际迷航:复仇女神》 剧照 (17 幅, 2 页)剧情介绍演员表视频播放与下载支持的壁纸尺寸 900x600 109K 高清大图 900x613 94K 高清大图...