On Thursday, Tom Felton took to Instagram to share a pic with Harry himself, Daniel Radcliffe! The duo co-starred as foes in the beloved franchise, with 31-year-old Felton portraying Draco Malfoy. In the adorable black-and-white snap the guys have clearly put aside their ...
【Christian coulson】【Emma Watson】【Tom Felton】【Daniel Radcliffe】哈利波特与密室演员合影,幕后花絮 4128 4 2021-06-06 19:12:52 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~1982112510外网,就这一小段史前珍贵影像资料,高糊警告,颜值在线,哈利波特与密室幕后花絮,视频中有艾玛沃特森(赫...
star Tom Felton, who played Hogwarts student Draco Malfoy, reconnected with other alums at a fan event in November, and their rare reunion is as golden as a snitch. Tags Watch:Will Daniel Radcliffe Join the Harry Potter TV Series? He Says… Tom Feltonis welcoming the cast back to the wi...
Tom FeltonandDaniel Radcliffeare ready to reunite onscreen — but not necessarily back at Hogwarts. “We do want to work together on some things or another,” Felton exclusively tellsUs Weekly. “Daniel and I talk about one day I’ll get to be the good guy and he gets to...
Emma Watson and Tom Felton Reunite With 'Harry Potter' Co-Stars for Some EPIC Pics! 7:48 Rupert Grint on 'Sparks' Between Emma Watson and Tom Felton During 'Harry Potter' (Exclusive) 2:34 The Truth About Those Emma Watson and Tom Felton Dating Rumors (Exclusive) 1:33 Daisy Ridley ...
Watson, 31, is currently dating boyfriendLeo Robinton. She has not commented on the 33-year-old actor's remarks. Watson was 10 years old and Felton was 13 when they started filming the 2001 movieHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first film in the franchise. As t...
But Emma isn’t the only one – he also keeps in touch with the rest of the cast, including Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint. “We do stay in touch, quite frequently… It is nice that we’re in sort of four different corners of the earth and yet when we catch up, it feels like...
尼尔·雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)、“赫敏”艾玛·沃特森、“荣恩”鲁伯特·葛林(RupertGrint)准时到达,奸角“马份”汤姆·费尔顿(Tom Felton)亦带同女友到场,而《欲望都市》莎拉·杰西卡·帕克(SarahJessica Parker)更一家三口来看首映。———当然了 重点不是以上这些SB都知道的破玩意儿 爆点在下面 真的是【爆...
百度汤姆费尔顿吧祝Daniel Radcliffe生日快乐^happy birthday!顺便值得一提的是dan和tom的革命友情,还有感谢dan错和了tom和jade这对儿[爱你][爱你][爱你][蛋糕][蛋糕][蛋糕]
Suffocating 高清MV_Tom Felton_Daniel RadcliffeMV视频_电影<哈利波特>Harry & Draco 饭制版,Harry & Draco - Suffocating 一听MV视频大全,免费高清MV音乐在线观看。