Felton, who played the villainous Draco Malfoy in the film adaptations to Watson's book smart Hermione Granger, said that he regularly keeps in touch with the cast, Watson included. "I spoke to Emma a couple days ago and immediately it was conversations about, 'Oh wow, the kitchen sink'...
In a new interview with Square Mile, Felton discusses how he handled becoming famous because of Harry Potter and the "no Googling" rule he's put in place for his mother. Although social media wasn't really around when the first few Harry Potter films came out, it's a totally different ...
kw 分享871 镜中观月明吧 冰茶日出 解说小德饰演者——Tom Felton帅哥渔夫 一起演出的丹尼尔、鲁伯特、艾玛都打算将来从事表演工作。很多人认为汤姆如果演戏一定前途无量。汤姆可不这么想,他很小的时候就树立了远大的理想——当一名渔夫。 汤姆热爱钓鱼,是从小受哥哥的影响。现在汤姆每当有空闲的时候,就和哥哥一起...
That happened for a good couple of years until I had that very moment that you’re talking about – I suddenly got a call going, “They want to fly you out and test you.” I was like, “What? This doesn’t happen to people like me.” I didn’t get the job. It was a hugely...