Tom and Jerry: The Movie: Directed by Phil Roman. With Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee, Tony Jay. Tom and Jerry convince Robyn, an orphan girl who runs away from home to escape her evil aunt, to return and accompany her. Later, they chance upon a g
汤姆和杰瑞是会说话的 在1992年的Tom and jerry-The movie《猫和老鼠大电影》里面,它们俩才知道对方居然会说话…… Puggsy:What's your name?你们叫什么名字? Tom:I'mTom.我是汤姆。 Jerry:I'm Jerry.我是杰瑞。 Tom and Jerry:[look at each o...
Tom and Jerry: The Movie《猫和老鼠1992电影版(1992)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,你快做完了吗?“差不多” Are you almost finished? - Just about. 别忘了爱情座椅 Dont forget the love seat. 我们知道了-“请快点” We got it. - And please hurry. “开车到我们的新
Home 122 of 168 Tom and Jerry: The Movie (1992) Ed Gilbert in Tom and Jerry: The Movie (1992) PeopleEd Gilbert TitlesTom and Jerry: The MovieBack to top
Tom & Jerry: Il film: Regia di Phil Roman. Con Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee, Tony Jay. Il duo gatto e topo Tom e Jerry lavorano con riluttanza per salvare una giovane ragazza dalla sua malvagia zia.
Tom & Jerry: Il film: Regia di Phil Roman. Con Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee, Tony Jay. Il duo gatto e topo Tom e Jerry lavorano con riluttanza per salvare una giovane ragazza dalla sua malvagia zia.
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上映时间1992年12月02日(法国) 导演Phil Roman 又 名灰姑娘的故事 Tom and Jerry: The Mo... 编剧Dennis Mar... 主 演理查德·坎德Dana HillAnndi McAfee托尼·杰伊Rip Taylor 剧情 故事发生在16世纪的法国。美丽的女孩丹尼尔父亲早逝,留下了大笔的遗产,却被继母和两个姐姐占有。可怜的丹尼尔在家中只能充当佣...
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