"Tom and Jerry Tales" Bats What I Like About the South/Fraidy Cat Scat/Tomb It May Concern (TV Episode 2006) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Tom and Jerry Talesbegan as a revival of theTom and Jerryfranchise for Warner Bros. back in 2006 for the Kid’s WB block on The CW. The show usually consisted of three similarly-themed shorts combined into one episode. In the first season of the show, the themes ranged from animals to...
As with the previous releases, there is a disproportionate amout of Tom and Jerry Tales Cartoons: 1 Chuck Jones era, 5 early Hanna-Barbera, 16 Tom and Jerry tales. Though that's not inherintely bad, but the was only one Hanna-Barbera that was Halloween themed. Where was "Fraidy Cat",...
Tom and Jerry compete for people's attention and money while performing on the street. Jerry takes a vacation to a farm to get away from the city noise. Jerry's Uncle Pecos, from out west, comes for a visit. Episode 4 Bats What I Like About the South / Fraidycat Scat / Tomb It ...
Piranha Be Loved (By You) When Tom ignores Jerry for a feline diva's attention on a boardwalk carnival, Jerry gets his revenge, swapping a goldfish prize with a mad piranha. Spook House Mouse When Tom chases Jerry into an abandoned spooky house, both endure a rickety ride that changes the...
Bats What I Like About the South/Fraidy Cat Scat/Tomb It May Concern: Directed by Tim Maltby. With Don Brown, Sam Vincent, Michael Donovan, Trevor Devall. Tom chases Jerry into a spooky, old mansion, where Jerry comes face-to-face with a bat that looks j
S1.E4 ∙ Bats What I Like About the South/Fraidy Cat Scat/Tomb It May ConcernThu, Oct 26, 2006 Tom chases Jerry into a spooky, old mansion, where Jerry comes face-to-face with a bat that looks just like him. Together, they team up and trick Tom into thinking that the bat is ...