2007《猫和老鼠:胡桃夹子的传奇》(Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale) 2010《猫和老鼠:遇见福尔摩斯》(Tom and Jerry: Meet Sherlock Holmes) 2011《猫和老鼠:绿野仙踪》(Tom and Jerry: The Wizard of Oz) 2012《猫和老鼠:罗宾汉与他的机灵鼠》(Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse) 2013《...
If you enterTom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Talewith exceedingly low expectations, you may enjoy it, but even then, I doubt it. Uncreative and dull, the movie turns into a tedious 48 minutes of monotony. The Blu-ray brings excellent visuals along with adequate audio and a pair of bonus shor...
Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale《猫和老鼠:胡桃夹子的传奇(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 好了孩子们让我们聚在一起 ALRIGHT,KIDS,LET'SALLSTAYTOGETHER. 我们已经看到了太空历史上许多令人惊叹的东西 WE'VESEENLOTSOFAMAZINGTHINGSFROMTHEHISTORYOFAVIATION. ...
Tom and Jerry´s Giant Adventure《猫和老鼠之巨人大冒险(2013)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute《胡桃夹子和魔笛公主(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 猫和老鼠 胡桃夹子的传奇 从前在圣诞夜 OnceuponaChristmasEve
Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes: Directed by Spike Brandt, Jeff Siergey. With Michael York, Malcolm McDowell, John Rhys-Davies, Grey Griffin. Miss Red is being blackmailed. When she asks Sherlock Holmes for help, he connects her case to a series of je
1、猫和老鼠胡桃夹子的传奇从前 在圣诞夜Once upon a Christmas Eve胡桃夹子这部芭蕾舞剧的演出给所有人都带来了快乐the nutcracker ballet was performed to everyone's delight这部芭蕾舞剧获得了许多赞赏and while this ballet had many admirers然而在这个剧院中 小老鼠杰瑞绝对是最大的粉丝in this theater it had...
Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Tom and Jerry - School's Out Tom and Jerry Blast Off to Mars Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry Tom and Jerry: Shiver Me Whiskers Tom and Jerry:...
Tom and Jerry first premiered in 1940, featuring a cat named Tom chasing a mouse named Jerry through their home, the streets, and around the world! These chases often involved Tom getting into awkward situations and being put in immense pain while Jerry toyed with him and got the last laug...
Tom and Jerry: The Movie: Directed by Phil Roman. With Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee, Tony Jay. Tom and Jerry convince Robyn, an orphan girl who runs away from home to escape her evil aunt, to return and accompany her. Later, they chance upon a g
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