Tom and Jerry is a American animated short film series created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that centered on a never-ending rivalry between a house cat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) whose chases and battles often involved comic
The cartoons are 001 to 093 with the exception of 077 (Just Ducky) – don’t know why that one’s missing – probably a production mistake. They are quite nice quality and the sound is terrific compared to the normal videos. I can confirm that they don’t appear to be pirate versions...
Tom is chasing Jerry around the house. Jerry runs into a sleeping Spike (his debut), who promptly chases both cat and mouse. In a joint effort with Tom, Jerry winds a web of yarn around the living room. Spike gives chase and pulls all the furnishing with him. Mammy finds the dog in...