We've got you covered with this Tom and Jerry batter recipe! What Is a Tom and Jerry Cocktail? The Tom and Jerry is a classic holiday drink. The incredibly decadent cocktail is made with eggs, butter, spices, milk, and a hefty dose of sugar. The original recipe was a publicity stunt:...
--- Tom and Jerry --- 45ml凯珊波本桶朗姆酒以及人头马VSOP特优干邑白兰地,1比1混合物 | mix of 1 part Mount Gay Black Barrel and 1 part Remy Martin VSOP 45ml 蛋白与蛋黄混合物 |batter (egg yolk and egg white mix)* 60ml 香蕉浸泡过的脱脂牛奶 | Banana-infusedskim milk** 搅拌所有材料,最后...