The New Tom & Jerry Show: Created by Sherm Cohen, Todd White, Tim Hill. With Keenon Douglas, Bob Deloes, Henry Corden, Kathy Gori. A modern continuation of the original Tom and Jerry cartoon, where the cat-and-mouse duo are now close friends through a se
Based on the Tom and Jerry theatrical cartoon series, which was created by H-B co-founders and former MGM cartoon studio staff William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, the show originally aired on ABC from September 6 to December 13, 1975 (for a total of 16 episodes) as the first half of The...
Below is a complete Tom and Jerry episode list that spans the show's entire TV run. Photos from the individual Tom and Jerry episodes are listed along with ...
The Tom and Jerry series is came out in 1940 and has more than 160 episodes(剧集). From 1943 to 1953, the series won seven Oscar awards. Its simple brand of humor appeals to eveyone. In China, it has been translated into different dialects. After a lifetime of being the world's mos...
Tom and Jerry is a American animated short film series created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that centered on a never-ending rivalry between a house cat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) whose chases and battles often involved comic
Influenced by the 1953 MGM T&J cartoon Jerry And Jumbo. Episode: 80-07 The Wacky World Of Sports 7 minutes | September 20, 1975 The Olympics are mercilessly put to shame as Tom tries to oust Jerry in all manners of sports competition, from polevaulting to barbell lifting to karate. ...
Tom and Jerry. The show first premiered on Cartoon Network in 1965 and starred a talented cast of voice actors including Lennie Weinrib, Alan Oppenheimer, Henry Corden, Janet Waldo, Jean Vander Pyl, Hal Smith, Don Messick, Frank Welker, John Stephenson, Joe E. Ross, and John Stephenson. ...
I just wanted to give you guys a little note about a Tom and Jerry Title card that was lovingly traced by a Tom and Jerry fan. You can find that image righthere. Thanks to Christian for all his hard work on this and for sharing!
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show: With Lou Scheimer, Frank Welker, Linda Gary, Jay Scheimer. It is about a cat who's chasing a mouse ...
(1971); The Roman Holidays, The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie and Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids (all 1972); Hong Kong Phooey (1974); The New Tom & Jerry Show (1975); The Mumbly Cartoon Show, Jabberjaw and The Sylvester & Tweety Show (all 1976); The All-New Super Friends ...