2007《猫和老鼠:胡桃夹子的传奇》(Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale) 2010《猫和老鼠:遇见福尔摩斯》(Tom and Jerry: Meet Sherlock Holmes) 2011《猫和老鼠:绿野仙踪》(Tom and Jerry: The Wizard of Oz) 2012《猫和老鼠:罗宾汉与他的机灵鼠》(Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse) 2013《...
George Gordon (1940-1943), 早期最寫實的畫師,不過比 Ken Muse 的程度要弱一點,毛髮細節比較豐富。 Jack Zander (1940-1943), 非常橡皮管,因此鬼臉和變形畫得很有趣。 可以看 1941 The Night before Christmas 裏 Jerry 被自己在球上的鏡像嚇到的一段;以及1942 Fraidy Cat 類似的橋段。 Bill LittleJohn (1...
1980年,米高梅与Filmation制作公司合作,制作并播出了Tom And Jerry Comedy Show系列,即猫和老鼠喜剧秀。此系列共有15集,每集3个故事。 三、Q版猫和老鼠。 1990年,已经独立的汉纳-巴伯拉工作室与已经拥有了猫和老鼠版权的特纳公司合作,制作播出了Tom And Jerry Kids系列,大陆称为Q版。此系列分为四季,共有65集,...
疫情未退,美国尤甚,远足无望,闭门阅片。利用一个暑假,逐集观看了美国动画片《Tom and Jerry | 猫和老鼠》,今对其类型、主题、风格与得失予以全方位解析。 1、共有7部《猫和老鼠》短片赢得奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖 《The Yankee Doodle Mouse/扬基·杜德尔鼠》,1944年,第16届………仿照美国南北战争的打法,猫鼠...
In its original run, Hanna and Barbera produced 114 Tom and Jerry shorts for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer from 1940 to 1958. During this time, they won seven Academy Awards for Animated Short Film, tying for first place with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies with the most awards in the category. After...
Paws for a Holiday》和《Tom and Jerry In The Dog House》动画大电影从1992年到2022年,系列共有20部大电影,包括《猫和老鼠:电影》到《猫和老鼠:西部大冒险》等,B站可观看部分。客串电影猫和老鼠客串了1945年和1953年的两部电影,以及奥斯卡获奖短片如《洋基歌的老鼠》等七部作品。
The Tom and Jerry series is came out in 1940 and has more than 160 episodes(剧集). From 1943 to 1953, the series won seven Oscar awards. Its simple brand of humor appeals to eveyone. In China, it has been translated into different dialects. After a lifetime of being the world's mos...
WhenTom and Jerrystarted its original run, the series was set up as shorts that were around 7 to 10 minutes in length. Between 1940 and 1958, Hanna and Barbera produced 114Tom and Jerryshorts for MGM, starting with the shortPuss Gets the Boot. In the short, Jasper - later renamed Tom...
Jerry's foibles; aside of the cat and mouse pitting themselves against each other for the map (cats and mice will be cats and mice!), various gusts of wind constantly blow the map from their hands, bringing new meaning to Shakespeare's phrase, "the ill wind which blows no man to good...