Tom and Jerry is a American animated short film series created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that centered on a never-ending rivalry between a house cat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) whose chases and battles often involved comic
在线看Tom and Jerry Classic Cartoons (1930-1953) 2小时 23分钟 57秒。2 11月 2012的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 87 — 已浏览。 5 — 已评价。
《猫和老鼠》(又译《汤姆和杰里》Tom&Jerry)是当今举世闻名的动画片,它的创造者威廉·汉纳(William Hanna)及约瑟夫·巴伯拉(Joseph Barbera)是美国好莱坞动画界的“传奇人物”。威廉·汉纳出生于新墨西哥梅尔罗斯,七岁时随父母迁居加利福尼亚,长大后,曾先后学习过工程学、新闻学和音乐。20世纪30年代美国经济大萧条...
Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse are two of the most popular cartoon characters in the world. In the short cartoons, Tom is always trying to catch Jerry, although he never has any success. Almost every cartoon ends with Tom in trouble and Jerry laughing at him. The stories are full of...
◎片名TomAndJerry ◎年代1995 ◎国家美国 ◎类别动画/家庭 ◎语言英语/国语/粤语 ◎IMDB评分9.0/10(3,654votes) ◎IMDB链接http://.imdb/title/tt0274294/ ◎制作公司伦布兰特电影公司 ◎发行公司米高梅电影公司 ◎文件格式X264.DVD5.500K+AAC ◎视频尺寸640x480 ...
William和Joseph在停顿了8年后再次创作Tom和Jerry,目标是Saturday Morning Television。面对家长们对动画的要求变化,他们减少了动画中的暴力元素,让猫和鼠在银幕上成为朋友。威廉于1989年去世,Chuck Jones于2002年去世。尽管Tom and Jerry曾被遗忘,但2006年MGM被索尼收购后,《猫和老鼠》再次回归。最新...
They thought it would be funny if the mouse was clever and always got the cat into trouble. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1940. It was a great success. Over the next 17 years, they made many Tom and Jerry cartoons. Most of them are arou...
In 1965, in a rare occurrence not seen before or since, two motion pictures with the same title, about the same subject opened within weeks of each other. The film biographies were both calledHarlowand endeavored to tell the story of legendary 1930s blonde bombshell, Jean Harlow—from her ...
[题目]根据句意.用所给单词的适当形式填空[1]She the flowers the day after tomorrow.[2]My new neighbours are polite and .[3]Tom and Jerry are both . They work hard.[4]Monkeys are funny and they often make people .[5]Some volunteers are re
Grosz, the son of the famous Weimar caricaturist, fled the Nazis in the early 1930s and grew up on the first trad jazz revival, learning guitar and banjo. He keeps the group loose, and I won't complain that he talks too much toward the end, or that he sings a couple. One of the...